Established in 2010, Modus Acupuncture offers a personalized approach to wellness through acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I believe that each body is uniquely designed and deserves customized attention. With 20+ years of experience in holistic medicine and therapeutic massage, I am an expert at seeing and hearing what the body is truly asking for. I specialize in women’s wellness of all ages, athletes, and individuals seeking optimal health.
The word, Modus, means "The Way," the “mode” of doing things. In 2005, my husband and I became Christians and we realigned our focus as entrepreneurs to see each of our businesses as if they are God's own businesses; A business where we would be the stewards of it, a place where we could honor and glorify the heart and mind of Jesus, a place of ministry, a place of selfless serving. Running a business that is faith-based, all affirming, non-judgmental, and based on unconditional love is very important to me. With these values in mind, I only see one person an hour so you don't feel rushed, forgotten, or left waiting to be seen. My intention is to meet each individual where they are in their process and to walk alongside them towards solutions, healing, and recovery.
I’ve worked with everyone from women pre and post pregnancy, professional athletes who are recovering from an injury, patients battling cancer, along with retired women looking to restore balance and feel like themselves again. I look beyond the diagnosis and lab work from a holistic perspective to see what needs to be addressed on a deeper level, concentrating on the root of the symptoms. Sometimes we need someone to help us see the unseen. That’s where I come in. I am available for you at any stage of life - you can trust me to give you the time, attention, and support that you need.
I’m a native Colombian, fluent in Spanish and English.
Married since 1997, my husband and I decided to start a family in our 40's and were able to do so, naturally, through Chinese Medicine.
I am extremely fearful of heights, but I’ve skydived twice.